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byzantine empire history pdf


2018 The 'History of the Kings of the Persians' in Three Arabic Chronicles. ... Classicising Historians of the Later Roman Empire: Eunapius, Olympiodorus, Priscus, ... in PDF at ... History of al-Ṭabarī, Volume 5: The Sasanids, the Byzantines, the Lakhmids, .... This classic study presents the history of the Byzantine Empire from the sixth to the fifteenth century in terms of political events, art, literature, and thoug.... which deals with the history and culture of the Byzantine Empire, the eastern half of the Late Roman Empire, from the fourth to the fourteenth century. Succinctly .... From Rome to Byzantium · The fall of the Roman Empire was a pivotal moment in world history. · The Byzantine Empire lasted for a millennium after the fall of the .... The Byzantine Empire's geographic location enabled it to be the gateway between Europe and Asia. The empire's extraordinary 1,000 years of history created a .... In Rômania ( “ Byzantium ” ) and the Levant Living history activities in Australia early. ... Empire in this comprehensive study 1996 | PDF review about the book .... APUSH: AMSCO Chapter 22 Key Terms Flashcards AP US History Review Book ... Activity Questions Byzantine Empire (Detailed Notes) Byzantine Empire Study Guide ... AMSCO Chapter 28.pdf APUSH Summer Assignment Summer 2018 5.. by J Preiser-Kapeller · 2017 · Cited by 19 — ANGOLD, The Byzantine Empire 1025–1204. London – New York ²1997, 122–​123; The. Economic History of Byzantium, ed. A. E. Laiou. 3 Vols., Washington, D.C. .... Jun 29, 2019 — Byzantine Empire also known as the Eastern Roman Empire or Byzantium that lasted for 10 centuries after the fall of the Western. It was one of .... The Early Byzantine Empire. ... Ap World History Chapter 13 Political Transformations Empires And Encounters 1450 1750 Flashcards Quizlet. ... Rome and Early Christianity PDF - Chapter 7 - India and China Establish Empires PDF - Chapter .... by P Charanis · 1953 · Cited by 32 — They have come to rank it, instead, as one of the great empires in history. And this for good reasons. It endured for over a thousand years. Down to about the .... the hıstory of the byzantıne empıre. [byzantıum 330-1453] / Radi Dikici. Original ... Rise of the Roman (Byzantine) Empire. From Chaos to Stability, Diocletian .. Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire is a classic in the field of professional history.282 Though his analyses are considered outdated by contemporary standards .... No information is available for this page.Learn why. Everything in the way of the history and habits of fish has been ... window on the Byzantine Empire during ... composition of the late Byzantine army had many .... by J Haldon · 2014 · Cited by 111 — Byzantine History, Princeton University; and Director of the Avkat Archaeological ... 251–273; idem et al., “Climate Change during and after the Roman Empire: .... Byzantine Empire to reveal how the Venetians came to dominate the entire Byzantine ... Download pdf file History of the HourMichael MallettÕs classic study of .... George Ostrogorsky, History of the Byzantine State, rev. ed. Michael Psellus, Fourteen Byzantine Rulers. The Later Byzantine Empire, 843-1453 (collection of​ .... Egypt, Ancient Greece, And Ancient Rome: Including The Egyptian Mythology, The Byzantine Empire And The Free Read Online, PDF Ancient History: A .... by JT ROCHE · 2010 — The Cambridge History of the Byzantine Empire c.500–1492 – Edited by Jonathan Shepard. JASON T. ROCHE. National University of Ireland, .... The Byzantine Empire was influenced by Roman and Greek culture and history. Byzantium was Greek, and the people there spoke Greek rather than Roman .... I (Madison: The University of Wisconsin Press, 1952), 383 p. Text of Vasiliev - History of the Byzantine Empire, vol. I, upload Salah Zyada.pdf. HISTORY OF THE .... THE CAMBRIDGE HISTORY OF THE B Y Z A N T I N E E M P I R E c. 5 0 0 – 1 4 9 2 Byzantium lasted a thousand years, ruled... Studies .... It lasted from about 500 to 1453 C.E., when it was conquered by the Ottoman Turks . 2020-12-31 in History The arrival of a girl, on the other hand, passed .... Reading this book was a totally new experience for me. I am a history buff. But for all I've read, I've never had the opportunity to read a somewhat lengthy and .... by E Schaap · 2000 — Ancient Rome; (7) the Byzantine Empire and the rise of Islam; (8) middle ages in Europe; (9) empires in India, China, and Japan; (10) empires in Africa and.. HISTORY OF THE BYZANTINE EMPIRE 324-1453 Α. Α.VasilievHISTORY OF THEBYZANTINE EMPIRE 324-1453MADISON ... I, upload Salah Zyada.pdf.. Byzantine Empire's capital and rulers. ... After Justinian's death in 565, the Byzantine Empire began to decline. ... antine history since the rule of Justinian.. Using new methodological and theoretical approaches, A Companionto Byzantium presents an overview of the Byzantine world fromits inception in 330 A.D. to .... by RH Robins · 1993 · Cited by 129 — Outline of Byzantine history: the political context. This chapter goes no further than an attempt at a sketch of the history of the Byzantine (Eastern) Empire, .... Byzantium linked the ancient and modern worlds, shaping traditions and handing down to both Eastern and Western civilization a vibrant legacy. Download pdf file​ .... Empire Book Review Alternate History Of The Byzantine Empire. (Eastern ... pdf byzantine empire guided answers services, the farmers were given land by .... by M Stricker · 2012 — if Islam had sprung up in a desert devoid of history, there would be no Dome of the ... and assassinated, the truce with the Byzantine Empire was concluded, and​ .... by K Vinneau · 2010 — ‪Prioreschi, Plinio. A History of Medicine: Byzantine and Islamic medicine.‬ ... century which were opened by the churches of the Roman Empire.. The Byzantine Empire had many enemies. Islamic empires, led by Arabs and Turks, conquered much of Byzantine territory. Constantinople, the capital, was a .... Roman Empire. He founded a “New Rome” at. Byzantium (renamed Constantinople). The Emperor Constantine played an important role in the history of the .... Over 1000 AP World History multiple choice practice questions, organized by topic ... Finish Discussing the Byzantine Empire; Crash Course: Fall of Rome Video; ... Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free.. by RO KHOURI · Cited by 3 — the Byzantine Empire or Late Roman period, a number of separatist religious ... of its long history, they acquired particular importance in the period before the.. File Name: A Short History Of The Byzantine Empire.pdf. Size: 5691 KB Type: PDF, ePub, eBook. Category: Book Uploaded: 2021 Jun 22, 19:30. Rating: 4.6/5​ .... Google's free service instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages.. Byzantine Empire; Mayan culture; the Crusades; the rise of the. Ottoman Empire; the Renaissance - this far-reaching book will test the knowledge of any history .... by CR Baker · 2013 · Cited by 13 — practices of the Byzantine Empire during the fourth, fifth and sixth centuries CE. A survey of the specialized accounting history journals reveals that there have .... by Y Frenkel · 2012 — cently an Egyptian professor edited an Arabic chronicle of Byzantium. ... tells the history of the East-Roman Empire from the days of Constantine (324–37) ... Article: of the empire; to suspend the operations of a military expedition for a court ... and Byzantine History have been occasionally connected with the events which .... 18 hours ago — that marked the use of stones from prehistory, through ancient history, medieval times, and to the modern ... locations of the Byzantine Empire.. Jan 19, 2021 — [PDF] Download The Byzantine Empire and the Plague: The History and Legacy of the Pandemic that Ravaged the Byzantines in the Early .... Writing the Economic History of Byzantium. Angeliki E. Laiou. It is common knowledge that the Byzantine Empire lasted for more than a thousand years from​ .... Browning, The Byzantine Empire. Reading Packet. General description of the class: This is an overview of 900 of the 1100 years of Byzantine civilization. Since it .... Sep 18, 2014 — Byzantine elites were educated in Greek culture and history as well. The western part of the Roman Empire eventually fell, over 100 years after .... by JD Brubaker · 2009 · Cited by 3 — for Byzantium's foreign policy, especially in Italy where the two empires came into ... Throughout its history the Byzantine Empire was surrounded by potential.. dangerous to talk about a Byzantine Empire; for if we do SO we run the risk of provoking universal verdicts of history. It might therefore be advisable, even if this​ .... Beginnings The Byzantine Empire in 8 Minutes ASMR - History of Byzantium 11. Byzantium ... Read PDF Byzantine Empire Cv History of The Byzantine Empire .... after Byzantines recaptured Constantinople in. 1261 until ... The Empire was born from the split in the Roman ... The church and state were one in the Byzantine.. The longevity of the Byzantine state was due largely to the existence of ... and art historians, as well as those interested in the Byzantine Empire and the .... Cover illustration: Emperor Constantine I (c. 274-337) the Great (mosaic), Byzantine, San Marco, Venice, Italy (The Bridgeman Art Library) www.ibtauris.​com The .... (330–1613). Section 1: The Byzantine Empire. Section 2: The Rise of Russia. Section 3: Shaping Eastern Europe. World History: Connection to Today .... The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire is a six-volume work by the English ... as the Islamic and Mongolian conquests) from the height of the Roman Empire to the fall of Byzantium. ... Download as PDF · Printable version .... Portugal to seek new trade routes to East Asia – This is a turning point in history. The golden ages of the Roman, Byzantine, and Ottoman Empires can be .... 1054. Crusaders sack Constantinople. 1204. Ottomans seize Constantinople; end of Byzantine Empire. 1453. Snapshot Key Moments in Byzantine History .... History >> Middle Ages When the Roman Empire split into two separate empires, the Eastern Roman Empire became known as the Byzantine Empire.. World History Teacher Notes for the Georgia Standards of Excellence in Social ... ... the creation of a successor state to the Roman Empire, the Byzantine Empire.. Vasiliev - History of the Byzantine Empire, vol. I, upload Salah Zyada.pdf - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read book online for free.. Semantic Scholar extracted view of "History of the Byzantine Empire" by A. ... 538 A.D. and the Transition from Pagan Roman Empire to Holy Roman ... Geography, Medicine; Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2014. 55 · PDF.. File Type PDF The Glory Of Byzantium And Early Christendom ... This classic study presents the history of the Byzantine Empire from the sixth to the fifteenth .... “It is striking,” we are told in studies of travel literature, “how little interest was shown by the inhabitants of the Byzantine empire in the relics of classical antiquity .... ... and comprehensive chronology of the Eastern Roman Empire from the foundation ... a once-obscure period of Eastern Mediterranean and Balkan history whose. ... DRM-free; Included format: PDF; ebooks can be used on all reading devices .... 460 Pages·2010·8.05 MB·1,567 Downloads·New! The Orthodox Church in the Byzantine Empire (Oxford History of the Christian Church) J. M. Hussey .... label the three columns as shown. The Fall of Rome. The. Byzantine. Empire ... History. Social Science. Standards. WH6.7 Students analyze the geographic,.. ... 12/NSS-Final-12-18-2017-0905.pdf; “Russian Federation National Security Strategy, ... Strategy of Roman Empire; Luttwak Grand Strategy of Byzantine Empire; ... For grand strategy throughout history, see Kennedy, Strategy and Diplomacy; .... Oct 17, 2017 — This Greek manuscript on parchment dating from the 12th to the 13th centuries is one of the most valuable codices in the National Library of .... Sketches of Georgian Church History. ... Population by Religious Beliefs. http:// Religious%20beliefs.pdf. ... 284–361) converted to Christianity, and then they requested the Byzantine emperor, ... Western Georgia, then a part of the Eastern Roman Empire, gradually became .... chapter 11 rome republic to empire study guide, Unit A951/12 Study in Development with Britain, ... Katherine Welch addresses the critical period in the history of this building type: its origins and ... Force and weight worksheet pdf ... The Byzantines built a civilization based on a blend of Greek, Roman, and Christian ideas.. the First Bulgarian EmpireByzantinum in the Year ... Afterlife of the Roman CityStudies in Islamic History ... the Byzantine Empire was reaching the height of its.. Byzantine history: why the Byzantine Empire failed to contain emergent Islam in the new religion's initial years, and in particular how and why the Byzantines first.. extensions of the empire — which play a partin the history of art through Byzantine institutions in these territories being brought back to the mother country​ .... from the World History Primary ... of the Roman Empire from Rome to Constantinople in about 330. ... Why the Byzantine Empire survived and prospered for.. Results 1 - 24 of 382 — $2.00. PDF. I made this video worksheet to accompany watching History Channel's Engineering and Empire episode called The Byzantines .... Lesson #25- The Byzantine Empire, The new Rome, and Constantinople Setting the stage ○ In the 5th century as Rome was being overrun by germanic tribes .... The region had been a crossroads of trade throughout history. The ancient city of Byzantium became the capital of the new empire. In 330, Constantine renamed .... by AA Vasiliev · 1958 · Cited by 474 — Table of Contents · Title Page, Copyright · pp. i-ii · restricted access. Download PDF Download; Save. Save · contents.. Byzance became the great city of Constantinople. The Eastern Empire or Byzantium founded a rich culture based on the. Greek traditions and Christianity.. And perhaps some Byzantines in isolated parts of the interior of the empire, having ... Since educated Byzantines had a sense of both history and geography,​ .... Culture: How do we know what we know about human history? Picture. Realizing that the Roman Empire had become too large to be ruled by just one man, .... by J B Bury. Read. Did Peter Brown's work come on the back of J B Bury's A History of the Eastern Roman Empire, another of your favourites .... ... where he refers to the Byzantine Empire as a katechon holding back Islam ... On the “Marian” image of history as doing the will of the Lord, see Meier (1998:19). ... See Mearsheimer's website ( .... Chapter 6: The Byzantine Empire Key Content Terms Constantinople, Byzantine Empire, Eastern . History alive the medieval world and beyond chapter 1 pdf .... by E PEARS · Cited by 18 — Conquest of the Saracens," his " History of the Ottoman. Power in Europe," ... of the native historians of the Byzantine empire down to the middle of the twelfth .... Under Emperor Justinian, Byzantine legal ... Byzantine culture represented a continuation of classical ... Because of its location, the Byzantine Empire received​ .... The Byzantine Empire was a vast and powerful civilization with origins that can be traced to 330 A.D/C.E., when the Roman emperor Constantine I dedicated a “​ .... The classics of Greek and Roman literature served as textbooks. Students memorized Homer. They learned geometry from Euclid, history from Herodotus, and .... considered themselves Rhomaioi, or Romans, and they traced their history back to the beginning of the Roman Empire. The Byzantine Empire is given a .... Chapter 6: The Byzantine Empire Key Content Terms Constantinople, Byzantine Empire, Eastern . History alive the medieval world and beyond chapter 1 pdf .... Jul 31, 2020 — History of the Byzantine Empire 324-1453, by Alexander A. Vasiliev (Madison, 1952), in 856 bookmarked and searchable pdf pages, complete .... The height of the first period of Byzantine history (324-632) was the reign of Emperor Justinian (r. 537-565) and his wife. Empress Theodora (d. 548) .... History and geography of the Byzantine Empire, the eastern half of the Roman Empire, which survived for a thousand years after the western half had crumbled​ .... I. 13. The Refoundation of the Empire, 284-337. Diocletian's New System, 13. Stability. Restored, 22. Renewed Conflict, 27. Constantine's Changes, 36. A Partly.. THE CAMBRIDGE HISTORY OF THE. BYZANTINE EMPIRE c. 500–1492. Byzantium lasted a thousand years, ruled to the end by self-styled 'emperors of the.. B. Emperor Constantine renamed the city of Byzantium to Constantinople. C. The eastern part of the Roman Empire became known as the Byzantine Empire.. Emerge of the Byzantine. Empire. Roman Empire split into two by Diocletian- Western. Roman Empire and the Eastern Roman Empire. The Eastern .... Download book Studies in the history of the Byzantine Empire pdf ... This book was brought from as under a Creative Commons license, or the author or .... Filed under: Byzantine Empire -- Church history -- Sources ... and Angela Constantinides Hero, contrib. by Giles Constable (PDF with commentary at doaks​.org).. Just like so many other empires in history, nothing lasts forever. Eventually the mighty Roman Empire toppled. The decline of Rome, however, was gradual.. Dec 30, 2019 - Download PDF All About History Book of the Byzantine Empire – October 2019 for free and other many ebooks and magazines on .... “The Rise and Fall of the Byzantine Empire,” TED-ed video, April 9, 2018. ... History 112 – The World of Late Antiquity, 200-900 C.E – Syllabus 2018 (pdf) .... Title, History Of The Byzantine Empire. Author, A A Vasiliev. Language, English. Region. Format, PDF. Pages, 641. File Size, 1.3 MB. Total Download, 0 .... The leading figure was Michael Psellos. He injected new life into the practice of rhetoric and in his hands the writing of history took on a new shape and purpose.. Text: HISTORY ALIVE! The Medieval World. 6.1 Introduction. In this chapter, you will learn about the Byzantine Empire. This great empire lay in two continents, .... [Download PDF] The History of the Byzantine Empire: From Its Glory to Its Downfall - Charles William Chadwick Oman PDF,ePub,eBook .... Septuagint Vocabulary: Pre-History, Usage, Reception. ... University of Thessaloniki, 139–50 (online: (1–18)). ... On the Problem of the Average Duration ofLife in the Roman Empire.. Its language was Greek rather than Latin, and for most of its history it dominated a far smaller territory than that of the. Roman empire at its height. To denote the .... Download File PDF Answers To Byzantine Empire Study Guide ... The Byzantine Empire (Ancient/Medieval History Audio Book) by Charles William Chadwick .... древней ЕвразииThe Armies of Bactria 70 BC-450 AD: TextA Military History ... степей毘沙門天像の起源The Persian EmpireThe Achaemenid Persian ... Armies of the Dark Ages spans the period from 600 AD to 1066 and describes Byzantine,​.. Feb 13, 2015 — (1997) Early Christian and Byzantine Art, London. PDF supplied. McCormick 2007 = M. McCormick, “Toward a molecular history of the.. 3486David Trump et al., Malta Before History (2004: Miranda Publishers) ... 2008 pp 1065-1079 Ant/082/1065/ant0821065.pdf (pdf) 3490Daniel ... =byzantine+malta&lr=&as_brr=3&sig= ACfU3U38b0XhbN8wTPyxs2tPEX0RbyVg9w. ... History of the colonies of the British Empire by RP Blake · 1929 — Robert P. Blake; History of the Byzantine Empire. By A. A. ... [University of Wisconsin Studies, Social Sciences and History, no. 13.] ... PDF; Split View. Views.. The Gallipoli Campaign From the TCI Company, maker of History Alive!: ... Pursuing American Ideals.pdf Below are other writing/research resources to use as well. ... Chapter 6: The Byzantine Empire Key Content Terms Constantinople,​ .... Picture of The Byzantine Empire in the Age of Justinian: E-BOOK (NH152E. Document-based teaching unit (PDF-Ebook). $11.95. Quantity: Add to cart.. In 527 A.D., Justinian I became emperor of the Eastern Roman Empire. During this time, the Byzantine. Empire prospered and expanded to include most of the .... the Early Middle Ages, C. 500-900A Short History of the ... the Byzantine Empire and the Islamic World. ... the grammars of the later Roman Empire to the early.. changed to Constantinople to provide military, political & economic advantages. ✶Protection of the eastern frontier. ✶Distance from Germanic invasions in the .... In the history of Europe, the Middle Ages or Medieval Period lasted from the 5th to ... Ancient Romans 10.2 Byzantine Empire 10.3 Merchants 10.4 Missionaries .... What Teachers Need to Know. A. History and Culture. Byzantine Influence in Russia. The rise of Russia is closely related to the history of the Byzantine Empire​,.. Mr. Kolodinski's History Classes. ape_why_study_history.pdf. ... mp3 The Barbarians AssignmentDOC | PDF Listen mp3 The Byzantine Empire AssignmentDOC .... oJustinian massacred 30,000 people. Byzantine Empire: Justinian and Theodora - III: Purple is the Noblest Shroud - Extra History https://www .... Although the Byzantine Empire had a multi-ethnic character during most of its history and preserved Romano-Hellenistic traditions, it became identified with its​ .... Sons of Constantinople (Byzantine Empire Battle Music)History Summarized: ... Byzantine Empire Study Guide Answers.pdf PDF Byzantine Empire Guided .... View the Chapter 9 video in the World History: Journey Across ... label the three columns as shown. The Fall of Rome. The. Byzantine. Empire. Life in. Ancient.. Rome grew into an empire in part because of how it treated the people it conquered. If a city was ... Nero was perhaps the most notorious emperor in Roman history. ... The Byzantine Empire lasted until 1453, when it fell to Turkish warriors. The.. Like other conquer- ing peoples throughout history, the Seljuk Turks found that they had much to learn from those whom they had defeated. Byzantines, Russians, .... by E Jeffreys · Cited by 12 — Byzantine Studies are concerned with the history and culture of what has come to be known as the Byzantine Empire, that is, the empire of East Rome. The term .... Ancient History: A Concise Overview Of Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, And Ancient Rome: Including The Egyptian Mythology, The Byzantine Empire And The .... by B Milanovic · 2006 · Cited by 112 — tenth, and perhaps late eleventh, century the Byzantine Empire must have ... history of the 8–12th centuries is the government's attempts to reverse the trend.. by M Nasaina · Cited by 4 — Open Journal for Studies in History, 2018, 1(1), 29-38. ... Byzantine empire, but the marriage of Byzantines with foreign brides was a frequent phenomenon.. by AR Littlewood · 1992 · Cited by 23 — On 11 May A.D. 330 the emperor Constantine inaugurated as his imperial residence the ancient Greek colony of Byzantium, strategically .... Angold, Michael, The Byzantine Empire, 1025-1204: A Political History, 2nd ed. (​Harlow, 1997). Barnes, Timothy, Athanasius and Constantius (Cambridge, .... Aug 24, 2010 — The Byzantine Empire was a vast and powerful civilization with origins that can be traced to 330 A.D., when the Roman emperor Constantine I .... Regional and Trans-Regional. Interactions. World History Period 3. Barbarians pounded the Roman empire in the West. Pushed Roman Emperors to move the.. jonathan shepard was for many years a Lecturer in History at the University of Cambridge, and was a ... Byzantine Empire – History – 1081–1453. I. Shepard .... developments in the history and evolution of the medieval eastern Roman or. Byzantine empire. It may be seen as both an introduction to the history of the.. Download File PDF The Byzantine Empire Russia ... volumes]History of the Byzantine Empire, 324–1453Visions of EmpireThe Grand Strategy of the Byzantine.. 1292 – June 15, 1383), Byzantine emperor from 1347 to 1354, was born at Constantinople. Kantakouzenos participated in almost all the military operations he .... The ByzanTine empire (330-1453). In 330 A.D. Emperor Constantine moved the capital of the Roman Empire from Rome to Byzantium (a Greek city in the .... Aug 29, 2019 — The End of Byzantium - Jonathan Harris Yale University Press | 2012 | PDF By 1400, the once-mighty Byzantine Empire stood on the verge of .... Byzantine Empire under Justinian I (525-565 A.D.) Page 9. This beautiful and exceptionally important set of nine silver plates, dated .... by S VRYONIS · Cited by 9 — â yap xai rr)v 'EXXı)vwv." 1 1 P. Charanis, "Ethnic Changes in the Byzantine Empire during the Seventh Century". "Dıımbarton.. by M Arbagi · 2001 · Cited by 1 — This Book Review is brought to you for free and open access by the History at CORE Scholar. It has been accepted for inclusion in History Faculty Publications by .... The Cambridge medieval history: The Byzantine Empire (Vol. ... Oleson, J. P. (Ed.).. biographies of major figures on the Byzantines and the post Ottoman Middle ... years of the Ottoman Empire, the history of the Armenian genocide is a victim of .... by CWC Oman · Cited by 56 — The Project Gutenberg EBook of The Byzantine Empire by. Charles William ... We know comparatively little about the internal history of these early ... This file should be named 37756-pdf.pdf or This and all .... Byzantine Empire--History--To 527. Genre. Electronic books. Permanent URL. ID: .... Located in the apse entry of the Byzantine church of San Vitale at Ravenna (Italy)​, this mosaic ... From the earliest days of the Roman Empire, there had been a fundamental division between the ... World History: Ancient and Medieval Eras.. and ultimate disintegration of the Roman Empire. Analysis Skills. Hl4 Recognize the role of chance, oversight, and error in history. ... Byzantine Empire (p. 38). 3a5286bf2b 36


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